What is this property worth in today’s market?
In today’s market where there are so many foreclosure and bank REO sales, figuring out the real value of a property can be difficult. The comparable sales method is the most commonly used (and still the most accurate one) to determine the value of single-family homes, condominiums, and smaller rental buildings (two to four units). We would help you to get the real worth of your property.
Why is the owner selling?
There are many reasons why people move, including job relocation, desire to get into a smaller/larger house, life events (marriage, birth of a child, death of a spouse) and retirement. While you may not always get a truthful answer, asking why the seller is moving can be helpful in determining how much room there is for negotiating.
How Old is the Roof?
The life expectancies of a roof vary according to the materials with which it has been constructed. Many factors contribute roof lifetime being longer or shorter than the average, therefore, it would vary in a significatn way depending about the conditions that affect a roof.
How much do utilities cost?
To make a real estimate average monthly about your utilities bills is a good decision talk about it with your Real Estate Agent. Also depending on the city where you live, how much you talk by phone, the size of the property and how often you wash your clothes, it determine how much you are going to spend in your utilities bill.
Any Infestations of Termites, Carpenter Ants, or Other Pests?
Termites, ants or other pests are capable of damaging some structure of a property.